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York Technical College All Female Engineering Faculty Sets You Up For Success

Feb 21, 2024

York Technical College's Engineering FacultyFebruary 18th through February 24th is Engineers Week, and we would like you to meet our all-female engineering faculty (from L to R): Beth, Anne, Viji, and Demetre! These women are highly educated with a combined total of four bachelor’s degrees and five master’s degrees specializing in biomedical, biological, mechanical, and electrical engineering.

They also bring over 100 years of combined experience in the field, working in product development, circuit design for the US Navy, software engineering, environmental consulting, and more!

As amazing as they are in the field, they’re even better instructors. These women boast a 100% job placement rate for graduates across multiple years. Furthermore, their transfer students also earn higher scores at 4-year universities, with an 88% pass rate at Clemson University, a notably higher percentage than students who started there as freshman.

In a traditionally male dominated field, these incredible women defy the odds, and as a group, they want to encourage women to join them. “Women look at problems differently, and this often serves as a strength in our field,” said the group. “We want people to see that being a woman is an advantage, not a setback in engineering. You can take on the world, and we will help you achieve your goals.”

We could not be prouder of this team. From their stellar placements to their warm personalities, you will not find a group more dedicated to student success. If you’re considering engineering, we have eight different pathways to choose from. 

Unlock Your Potential in Engineering