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Keeping Your Award

To remain eligible for Financial Aid, students must maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP). SAP, as defined by federal regulations, is measured in both a qualitative and quantitative manner.

The qualitative portion is measured by the student's cumulative GPA; the minimum standard is a 2.0. The quantitative portion is measured by a rate of completion, which is calculated by comparing the number of credits attempted to the number completed successfully. The minimum standard is 67%. 
This standard is used to ensure that students will not exceed the maximum time frame of their program. Maximum Time Frame requirements state that a student may attempt no more than a total of 150% of the required credits in their program. If at any time a student cannot complete their program in maximum time frame, their eligibility for Federal assistance is suspended. Review our catalog for details.

If you are placed on Financial Aid Warning, Probation, or Suspension, you should meet with the Financial Aid Office to discuss your options and develop a corrective action plan. You may be able to submit an appeal for possible reinstatement. Appeal submissions are not guaranteed and alternative payment options will need to be secured in order to pay any balance owed to the college.

Warning, Probation, and Suspension statuses apply strictly to Federal student aid funds. If you meet other eligibility requirements, you may be able to qualify for Lottery Tuition Assistance and Life Scholarship.

If you have any questions regarding satisfactory academic progress please contact us at