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Student Grievances

York Technical College adheres to the South Carolina Technical College System Student Code and Grievance Procedures, approved by the State Board for Technical and Comprehensive Education on August 13, 2015. A summary of the York Technical College Grievance Procedure is available below and is also outlined in the Student Handbook and College Catalog. The complete, unabridged version of the York Technical College Grievance policy is found on the College’s website on the Consumer Information Page.

Student Complaint Process - Distance Education

Student complaints related to distance education courses follow the College’s Grievance Procedure, as do all other courses at York Technical College. Complaints related to college-specific concerns including academic, curricula, and professionalism should first be directed to the instructor of the course, followed by the Chair of the department. Similarly, College related complaints to include student programs, technology, library services, counseling services, student accounting, and other services should be directed to the appropriate individual and/or supervisor for the area of concern. Students who have been charged with academic misconduct or other form of misconduct will follow the procedures outlined in the the York Technical College Student Code.